Warm and exceptional hospitality awaits you at the Inn at Stonington. We attend to the details that will make your stay uniquely delightful.
Our staff at the Inn at Stonington takes great pride in offering exceptional hospitality to our guests. There are always enhancements that can be added to your stay to make your stay more indulgent – massage, flowers, champagne and chocolates. But even beyond those extras, we want your stay to be a memorable experience.
What Can We Do For You?
Each guest has their own idea as to what that special thing is to them – let us know! Whether this means helping to select just the right restaurant for your occasion or mood, a special bottle of wine, packing a picnic basket as you sail off on a private charter or head to the beach, the list goes on and on.
We respectfully request at least 24 hours to work our magic, but even if it’s last minute we will do everything we can to make it happen.
Our goal is to make your stay at the Inn at Stonington so exceptional that once simply won’t be enough. Please give us a call at 860.535.2000 or email to reserve your special experience at the Inn at Stonington.